Clay mathematics institute je danes objavil, da je Grigorij Perelman zavrnil milijon dolarjev tezko milenijsko nagrado za resitev Poincarejeve domneve:

Note: July 1, 2010. On June 8-9 CMI held a conference in Paris to celebrate the resolution of the Poincaré conjecture by Grigoriy Perelman. Dr. Perelman has subsequently informed us that he has decided not to accept the one million dollar prize. In the fall of 2010, CMI will make an announcement of how the prize money will be used to benefit mathematics.

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13 - št. let nazaj

Saj je bilo za pričakovati.


13 - št. let nazaj

Po svoje je presenetljivo ze to, da so sploh dobili odgovor.

Sašo Dolenc
13 - št. let nazaj

Tule je nekaj več o vzrokih za zavrnitev: Jim Carlson, institute president, said Perelman's decision was not a complete surprise, since he had declined some previous math prizes.Carlson said Perelman had told him by telephone last week of his decision and gave no reason. But the Interfax news agency quoted Perelman as saying he believed the prize was unfair. Perelman told Interfax he considered his contribution to solving the Poincare conjecture no greater than that of Columbia University mathematician Richard Hamilton."To put it short, the main reason is my disagreement with the organized mathematical community," Perelman, 43, told Interfax. "I… Beri dalje »

13 - št. let nazaj

Pravi razlog je najbrž to, da bi ga v primeru sprejema te nagrade, čakalo sekanje dreves v Sibiriji.

Luka Omladič
13 - št. let nazaj

Dobra ideja za zgodovinsko študijo o zavrnjenih nagradah 😉 Takole nahitro na misel pridejo:
J.-P. Sartre (Nobelova)
Marlon Brando (Oskar)
S. Hawking (ni hotel biti vitez oz. "Sir")