Nova knjiga je danes promocijsko ob izidu kot e-knjiga na voljo brezplačno! (Kindle price: $0.00)

“Each chapter in this book explains a complex problem through moving, amusing and marvellous stories. Sašo Dolenc’s recurring theme is the elusive and often eccentric nature of inspiration; but in exploring it he covers an immense variety of subjects, from meteorology to microbiology, computer technology to market theory. His readers will gain a succinct and satisfying lesson on each topic, and a sense overall of the labour, genius and luck that science demands.”

John Stubbs, author of John Donne: The Reformed Soul and Reprobates: The Cavaliers of the English Civil War

“Great fun. Like Malcolm Gladwell, Dolenc writes about complicated science in a clear, accessible way that entertains and educates. The smarter and better the writer, the clearer and simpler he will make concepts that are difficult to grasp. Reading this book is a pleasure you can learn from.”
Noah Charney, best-selling author of The Art Thief and Stealing the Mystic Lamb

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