Rey Hernandez-Julian in Christina Peters sta nedavno predstavila raziskavo, v kateri sta preučevala vpliv videza študenta/študentke na njegove/njene ocene. Če verjamemo njunim zaključkom, dejansko obstaja korelacija med atraktivnostjo slike na študentski izkaznici in povprečjem ocen, ki jih študent prejme. Sta pa efekt zaznala samo pri študentkah, ne tudi pri študentih, podvrženi pa naj bi mu bili profesorji obeh spolov.

Professors differ on how much their grading should be based on tests, written assignments, labs, class participation and other factors. But students’ looks? Most faculty members would deny that physical appearance is a legitimate criterion in grading. But a study presented Monday at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association finds that — among similarly qualified female students — those who are physically attractive earn better grades than others. For male students, there is no significant relationship between attractiveness and grades. And the results hold true whether the faculty member is a man or a woman. …

Via email, Hernández-Julián said that he found the results of the Metro State study “troubling.” He said that there are two possible explanations: “Is it that professors invest more time and energy into the better-looking students, helping them learn more and earn the higher grades? Or do professors simply reward the appearance with higher grades given identical performance? The likely answer, given our growing understanding of the prevalence of implicit biases, is that professors make small adjustments on both of these margins,” he said. (vir: Inside Higher Ed: New study finds that women who are not considered attractive receive lower grades)

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