Koncentracija CO2 v atmosferi trajno presegla 400 ppm

Kot poročajo na blogu Climate Central se bodo v naslednjih stoletjih septembra 2016 spominjali kot pomembnega mejnika v zgodovini podnebja na Zemlji. V septembru je namreč koncentracija CO2 v atmosferi običajno najnižja in letos kljub temu ni padla pod vrednost 400 ppm.

September is usually the month when carbon dioxide is at its lowest after a summer of plants growing and sucking it up in the northern hemisphere. As fall wears on, those plants lose their leaves, which in turn decompose, releasing the stored carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. At Mauna Loa Observatory, the world’s marquee site for monitoring carbon dioxide, there are signs that the process has begun but levels have remained above 400 ppm. (The World Passes 400 PPM Threshold. Permanently | Climate Central)

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